Whether maintaining rolling stock or right of way, Ultra Torq has the bolting tools for your application. Tightening wheels, side frames, bolsters, electric motors, and crab nuts in the shop or switches and track joints in the field. We have the tools to improve performance and reliability. Rentals are available for short jobs.
A lot depends on your work maintaining a high standard of quality. But work also has to get done
Efficiency matters. The tools your technicians use in the field or in the factory have to be as multi-talented as the railroad technicians themselves.
Your tools have to be:
- Lightweight.
- Powerful.
- Ergonomic.
- Accurate.
- Durable.
- Reliable.
Torque tools you can rely on
We carry torque tools your railroad workers won’t struggle to carry throughout their duties every day, giving your project consistent results and your technicians the ability to maintain efficiency through the day.
We can help you find the bolting tools and test equipment to fit your worksite just right and keep workers comfortable and productive so their results never fail quality control checks.